it started with a dream...
It's been said what is one man's trash is another man's treasure. That statement could not be any truer for me. From an early age I always enjoyed being creative and making things "pretty". Be it rearranging bedroom furniture, writing music, painting, or fashion my whole being would just light up when I could see something transform into something beautiful and new...even if it were tired and old.
With my dad in the fashion industry and a music minister on the side, and my mom an avid historian and crafty designer herself, I guess you could say I got a double dose of the creativity genes. Whether writing or designing, I always looked at it as telling a story. Obviously music has always been seen as a form of storytelling, but often we don't realize other things can too. When I work on a piece of furniture, especially older pieces, I always wonder what stories it has to tell. What has it "seen" in its years? Whose tears may have fallen on that desk writing to a love at war? Whose face looked into the mirror held by a vanity? I try to envision those people and make it a mission to allow that piece to tell their story. If I am working on a custom piece, I always picture the person it is intended for, trying my best to make it as unique as the individual it is going home to; there is always a story to tell.
If there was one word that described me "way back when" it was a dreamer. I was always that one kid with her head in the clouds...or head down with a pencil...dreaming...and dreaming BIG. Goodness, anyone who knew me knew my dream to become the next Amy Grant! As childhood turned into adulthood my dreams changed, but they never ceased. One dream that stayed constant was the dream to become a wife, to love someone so deeply...completely, and have it returned. That dream came true on December 20, 2003. My Love has been my biggest supporter and champion. My best friend and my heart. When it came time to put this dream of a small business into motion...calling her by name...it was vividly clear that passions for both my Love as well as creating would collide...bringing us TwelveTwenty Designs. Outside of the day I claimed Jesus as my Savior, no day has more meaning to me than 12.20.03. The day my heart became complete.
One thing that will always remain...I will always be that girl with her head in the clouds, this time with a brush in her hand, showing her four littlest loves that anything is possible...with Jesus, love, dreams, and plenty of stories to tell.